The forecast: GP jobs in the future
As you undertake your clinical placements and think about becoming a doctor there is a fantastic array of interesting and exciting career options to explore.
DetailsAs you undertake your clinical placements and think about becoming a doctor there is a fantastic array of interesting and exciting career options to explore.
DetailsThe annual GPSN Farm Stay was held at Bestbrook Mountain Retreat, Queensland on May 7-9th. With COVID restrictions slowly lifting, we were very excited to able to invite several GPSN members from interstate, including Melbourne and Armidale. We learned about life as a Rural Generalist and got our hands on critical skills such as advanced…
DetailsOn 1 May 2021, NSW/ACT GPSN ran their second GPSN First Steps since their inaugural event in 2019. Medical students across the state gathered to learn about the GP career pathways.
DetailsThe Impact of GP Location on Students’ Desire to pursue GP as a Career is a paper that was presented at the 2020 AAAPC Conference, 2021 IFMSA Scientific Fair and is currently under review by the Australian Journal of Rural Health. Just earlier in the month, I had the great pleasure of presenting the paper…
DetailsIn April 2021 GPSN delivered HSWWs to two high schools, reaching almost 250 students! This number will increase as we have more workshops scheduled.
DetailsI had the privilege of attending the 2019 Cultural Immersion Camp with Northern Territory General Practice Education (NTGPE).